The introduction of simulators of tumoral antigens
stimulates the production of antitumoral T-lymphocytes
Fig. 1
The antitumoral T-lymphocyte can bind with only the
tumoral cell but does not bind with a normal cell
Fig. 2
The search of tumor cells with a help of the antitumoral T-lumphocytes
Fig. 3
The destruction of tumor cells by T-lymphocyte
Fig. 4
After a close contact with tumor cell the T-lymphocyte starts to excrete perforins, which incorporate into the membrane of the tumor cell.
The perforins form a pore in the tumor cell. Through this pore water starts to enter into the tumor cell. The cell swells out, bursts off and dies, where as the T-lymphocyte searches for a new target cell for the next attack.
Чем больше объём метастазов - тем меньше вероятность излечения при помощи вакцины РЕСАН.
Если объём метастазов соединительнотканной злокачественной опухоли более 10 см3, железистой более 50 см3, а эпителиальной более 30 см3, то вероятность излечения вакциной РЕСАН составляет 12% и менее.
×The more the volume of metastases, the less the probability to get an absolute cure by the vaccine RESAN.
If the volume of connective-tissue malignant tumor is more than 10 cm3, of epithelial more than 30 cm3 or of glandular more than 50 cm3 – then the probability to get an absolute cure by the vaccine RESAN is 12% and less.